LinkedIn Profinder is a service provided by LinkedIn that helps local businesses hire top freelance professionals. Our mission was to create a compelling visual direction and narrative that would effectively convey the value and ease of using Profinder to find the right talent for any project.
The Challenge
The primary challenge was to make this new product exciting and engaging. We needed to capture people’s attention and generate enthusiasm for a service that, at its core, involves fairly standard UI/UX elements. The goal was to go beyond the typical visual approach and create something truly captivating that would illustrate the abstract concepts of hiring and finding talent in a fresh, appealing way.
The SOlution
Our team opted for a beautifully animated 3D approach that brought the concepts of hiring and talent discovery to life. We distilled these abstract ideas into engaging visual narratives that transcended typical UI/UX design. The animation journey we created illustrated the seamless process of using LinkedIn Profinder, highlighting its benefits in an imaginative and visually appealing manner.
By focusing on dynamic and aesthetically pleasing 3D animations, we were able to turn otherwise mundane aspects of the hiring process into exciting visual stories. This approach not only made the service more engaging but also effectively communicated its value in a way that resonated with a broad audience.